Architect Mantas Peteraitis collected branches from mountain pines over 100-years-old in forests that were planted over wind-blown sand dunes in the Curonian Spit. His objective was to study the natural joints of these fragments and their possible use in furniture making. The selection of branches resemble letters and can be continuously rearranged and placed in different spots throughout the Children’s Forest Pavilion’s playscape installation to invent interconnectable structures. The complete alphabet is also published in the form of a poster for which graphic designer Monika Janulevičiūtė together with Mantas Peteraitis developped the mountain_pine typeface.
PDF of the poster is available to download via this link
Mantas Peteraitis
Text, drawings, photos: Mantas Peteraitis
Design: Monika Janulevičiūtė
mountain_pine typeface developed by Monika Janulevičiūtė together with Mantas Peteraitis
Proofreader: Gemma Lloyd
Publisher: Kirvarpa Edition: 1100
Published on the occasion of the CHILDREN’S FOREST PAVILION
Lithuania at the 18th International Architecture Exhibition – La Biennale di Venezia 2023
Organised by:
Neringa Forest Architecture
Implemented by:
Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts
Supported by: Lithuanian Council for Culture
PDF of the poster is available to download via this link