at Nida Art Colony of Vilnius Academy of Arts, Nida, Lithuania

The Neringa Forest Architecture started by diverting timber extracted in the Curonian Spit forest initially designated for biofuel and built a Natural Timber Seasoning Shed at the Nida Art Colony (NAC) of Vilnius Academy of Arts in Nida in 2020, it serves as an archive, documenting timber samples, a resource storage and public display of forest histories and planning. 

This local timber resource became the basis of an artistic research residency program at NAC that involves architects, artists, researchers, and journalists. The assembly promotes a wider understanding of the forest environment, by tracing its extractivist industrial practices and processes and their impact on biodiversity. Engagement is seeking wider public awareness and agency to influence decisions in contemporary forest.

Architecture: Jonas Žukauskas and Jurga Daubaraitė
Concept and coordination: Jurga Daubaraitė, Egija Inzule, Jonas Žukauskas
Construction works: Jonas Žukauskas and Jurgis Paškevičius
with kind help by: Nerijus Rimkus, Robertas Narkus, Rudolfas Levulis, Denisas Kolomyckis, NAC team, Aleksandras Tereščenko, Eugenij Veres

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