• Poster – REDISCOVERING PLANTS Rheinauer Theses on the Rights of Plants

Acknowledging that all living organisms have a common origin, considering that in their differentness plants will in the final analysis always remain a mystery to us, attempting to comprehend plant nature more deeply and to protect its uniqueness, we propose the following theses with the aim of allowing plants to express themselves for their own sake, and claiming rights on their behalf.




Florianne Koechlin, Project initiator, biologist, Blueridge Institute, Basel, author of ‚PflanzenPalaver’
Daniel Ammann, PD Dr., Manager of the Swiss working group on genetic technology SAG
Eva Gelinsky, Dr., scientific staff of ProSpecieRara
Benedikt Haerlin, Director of the Berlin office of the Foundation on Future Farming and the „Save Our Seeds“ campaign
Martin Ott, Farmer, Gut Rheinau, Switzerland, President of the board of FiBL (Research Institute of Organic Agriculture)
Frick Beat Sitter-Liver, Prof. for practical philosophy, University of Freiburg, Switzerland
Werner Stumpf, Dipl.-Ing., Institute for Garden, Fruit and Winegrowing of the University of Natural Resources and Applied Life Sciences, Vienna
Edgar Wagner, Plant physiology, Prof. em., Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg in Breisgau (D)
Amadeus Zschunke, Dipl.Ing. (FH) Horticulture, Executive Director
Sativa Rheinau AG – organic plants and seeds

Günter Altner, Prof. Dr. Dr. Dr. h.c. , Biology and Theology
Nikolai Fuchs, Director, Section for Agriculture, School of Spiritual Science, Goetheanum, Dornach (CH)
Andrea Heistinger, Dipl.-Ing., Office Semina-Kultur-Pflanzen-Konzepte, Schiltern (A)
Christian Hiss, Master Gardener, Eichstetten am Kaiserstuhl (D)
Markus Ritter, Biologist , co-partner, LifeScience AG, Basel
Jürg Stöcklin, Prof. Dr., Botanical Institute of the University of Basel

Written and first published in 2008. Here published by Kirvarpa at NAC, Nida, Lithuania, as part of the Neringa Forest Architecture project and with permission of the authors, 2021.

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